Monday, October 16, 1995


Phew! What a day!
It's Monday, and no one seems to like Mondays, right? The weekend's just gone and instead of being outside walking to Hagrid's hut or saying hi to the Giant Squid in the lake, you're stuck inside doing work. But even in winter, like now when the snow is thick outside and the whomping willow is shivering, any form of getting out of class is inviting, despite the cold. But we do have our O.W.Ls coming up and it's all the teachers can think about or talk about! They're piling the homework on like mad and with all the classes I'm taking it's a nightmare just getting through it all! At least the classrooms have fires.

Woke up at the crack of dawn in the freezing cold for Quidditch practise, the season's just started and we’re training for the match against Slytherin.
Oliver Wood’s working us so hard, especially because I’ve only been on the team since Katie Bell got herself banned. Wood was having hysterics when that happened! So they held try-outs to replace her and Harry said I should go. I’m definitely not a sporty person, but I thought since I won that Firebolt in a Daily Prophet competition it would be a shame not to put it to good use and I surprised everyone, especially myself! On the Firebolt I am lightning fast! NEED FOR SPEED! :P
So now I’m a chaser, and oddly enough it’s easier to throw and catch in the air (which I’m not good at usually) because you don’t have to worry about tripping over your own feet!

After that I had Muggle Studies, which isn't too bad for early in the morning, except we've just been given another huge assignment to do. We've got to write an essay on muggle cooking.
Since I grew up with muggles, I know pretty much everything about the subject anyway, so it'll be easy, and I'm sick of correcting the Professor when he gets something wrong.

"No professor... that's not a deadly weapon used by police to torture violent criminals, it's a hair straightener!

...Mind you, they probably could torture criminals with that! They'd save a lot of money on tasers!

Speaking of money, I've spent so much time in the Wizarding World that I'd forgotten what muggle money looks like! Funny story, I went away to a resort with my family last holidays and I spent a whole twenty minutes trying to put knuts into the vending machine, cursing at it and wondering why it wouldn't work! I guess it's a good thing I'm still under aged or I'd have been tempted to just zap the machine to give me as many drinks as I wanted.

Anyway after Muggle Studies which I spent passing notes to Ginny (she spends so much time talking about Harry Potter- it's like she intends to marry him! Haha) and vaguely listening to a lecture about the function of a rubber duck, I had Arithmancy.
Ughhh worst subject ever! I just can't understand why Hermione loves it so much! The time went sooo slowly but at least we didn't get much homework, just revision, and I've been revising all week. I'm terrible at arithmancy, so the more I study the less chance I have of failing.

Nothing particularly interesting happened after that, oh except at break. Hagrid had brought in some nifflers for the fourth year Care of Magical Creatures, but one got loose and started chasing Pansy Parkinson because she was wearing a shiny new necklace!

Ha! Serves her right for sabotaging Neville's potion last week! Snape was absolutely horrid, first he yelled at him in front of everyone because his potion started emitting blue smoke, then he had this evil, smug little smile and made Neville DRINK it! He had to get Madame Pomfrey to get rid of all the blue tentacles that had grown on his face. Poor Neville!
Of course Snape didn't believe that Pansy put extra porcupine quills in his cauldron and then turned the fire off. Since Neville isn't too good at potions anyway Snape just had a good laugh about it and took five points from Gryffindor! Urgh! It's outrageous the way he treats students!

The last lesson of the day was transfiguration, which went really well! We'd been trying to turn turtles into teapots for ages and I finally got it! With a china pattern too! Professor McGonagall gave me 10 points for Gryffindor and extra marks for presentation! Hermione would have done it first if her turtle didn’t keep trying to escape, though. Ron and Seamus were at the desk next to us; they’d given up trying to transfigure the turtles and started racing them instead. Ron’s won. Then McGonagall was in such a good mood that she let us out early so we could get to dinner before everyone else!

Anyway I have to go and do my Muggle Studies paper, I’m meeting up with Hermione, Ginny and Luna in the Library. It won’t take long, so once we’ve finished we’re going to the Room of Requirement to test out some of Fred and George’s new fireworks.

I guess Mondays aren’t so bad after all; they’re ok...actually, more than ok... they’re pretty average!

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