Tuesday, October 31, 1995

Happy Halloween!

Hey, Happy Halloween!
Once again the feast was spectactular, and we managed to avoid any huge fiascoes (think "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON) apart from the pumpkin incident, but I'll get to that later.

Everyone got into the spirit of Halloween today, Professor McGonagall taught us how to turn snitches into bats, Flitwick said we ought to put our charms to good use and help decorate the castle, and Trelawny was even more morbid than usual.

The feast was amazing, those Elves really outdid themselves. Hermione's still going on about SPEW, but only half-heartedly nowadays. I think if a house Elf wants to work for nothing then it has every right to and paying them is an insult to their kind. Maybe she's seeing this as well.

Halloween is a bittersweet day for Harry, I mean, it's brilliant and all, but it's the same night he lost his parents, and the night he defeated You-Know-Who. I feel so sorry for him. Nobody should go through that. People think the fame is something he's so lucky to have, but it must be awful some times.

Ron, as always, was just stuffing his face with food.

Anyway, just before the end of the feast, Hagrid decides to surprise everyone. You know those pumpkins out the front of his patch that he's been enlarging? Well he made them into Jack-O-Lanterns so we could see them glowing from the Great Hall. I was wonderful... until his Pink-Umbrella spell went wrong and ended up with giant pumkins rampaging the castle. Oh what a night. Eventually they caught them and now the house Elves are cooking them up. Looks like pumpkin soup for a while, which I don't mind. :)

Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 30, 1995


Hello everyone, it’s been a while and I’m sorry.
I’ve been really busy lately, and now I’ve just got out of the hospital wing!
It’s a long story but you see... there’s this guy Draco Malfoy. He is, to put it nicely....a foul, lithesome, evil little cockroach.
He’s the Slytherin seeker, and he’s HORRID! All he cares about is pure blood Slytherins like himself. He absolutely HATES Hermione, which, by Luna Lovegood’s loony logic almost definitely means he reallylikes her. But that can’t be true because he hates me too, it’s just all muggle borns. He hates all of us but especially Gryffindors and especially friends of Harry Potter’s.
It started at Quidditch practice, when the Slytherin team saw us training.
Draco saw that I’d made the team and had a hissy fit.
“My father will hear about this! Letting slimey mudblood filth onto the team, that’s low even by Gryffindor standards!” I didn’t really take offense, I’m used to it... but then Wood got mad and said something about his mother, which made Malfoy shove him... at the exact moment that Professor McGonagall walked onto the pitch with a message for one of the Slytherins who had detention. She then gave Malfoy a detention for violence.
Of course they got us back, tampering with the bludger so while we trained it went berserk and hit the handle of my broom, it didn’t break... but it was enough to knock me off and send me plummeting to the ground. I broke 2 ribs and my leg.
Madame Pomfrey mended my leg no problem, but said since the ribs were so seriously damaged and close to my heart that I was better off with skele-gro. That stuff is disgusting and I was in agony the whole night while me ribs healed, getting no sleep whatsoever. *Sigh* hopefully things will improve for me. On the bright side, the Halloween feast is tomorrow! I can't wait!
 I’ve got a busy week ahead, and I’ll try to keep you posted.

Thursday, October 19, 1995

Maybe there's going to be a lot of fog tonight...

Ok so I'm sitting here in Divination wondering what I'm supposed to be doing. The fires nice and warm but does Professor Trelawney really have to perfume it? My head is spinning!
We've been given a crystal ball each and told to
"Use our inner eye to see deep into the mysterious fathoms beyond... into...the FUTURE"
 but I can't see anything except a lot of swirling smokey stuff, I'm really rubbish at this. Except palm reading because my grandma used to teach me when I was little- she didn't know anything about magic though. Isn't it funny how muggles kind of get.. hints about us but think it's all made up.
Like when I was younger I used to read books about witches and wizards or kids who found out they were magic, there was even a tv show about a witch. Since coming to Hogwarts I wondered if any of them started off as truth, maybe those people really existed.
It's a funny thought, because it means maybe one day someone would write a story about people at Hogwarts!
Not me though, I'm not important enough, I'm just average.
But maybe Harry Potter, he's pretty remarkable with all the things he's done, Defeating you-know-who as a baby and all.

Seamus swears he's seen something in his crystal ball. He hasn't talked much today because he got offended when one of the third years kept pestering him for a pot of gold! That's another thing muggles know about, Leprechauns, but they're not real to them either.
Hang on a minute Seamus is shouting now. "It's a Ninja! I see a Ninja!"
Haha Dean just yelled out "You can't see Ninjas idiot!"
That's actually a good point. Oh here comes Professer bug-eyes, her jewels glittering in the firelight. SHe look impressed. "Ooooh interesting, you have shown possession of the sight, Seamus! What is this Ninja doing?"
Seamus is concentrating really hard now... "H-he's fighting.. something. I can't really see... hold on, it's a pirate, there's it's peg leg!"
A ravenclaw girl pipes up "There's no such thing as pirates OR ninjas!"
"There's no such thing as Witches and Wizards to muggles either!" Yells Harry. He makes a good point.
"Well this is the FUTURE isn't it Professor?" Asks Seamus "Maybe there will be like an epic battle."
The class burst into applause and laughter, we all know he made it up.
Didn't he?

Monday, October 16, 1995


Phew! What a day!
It's Monday, and no one seems to like Mondays, right? The weekend's just gone and instead of being outside walking to Hagrid's hut or saying hi to the Giant Squid in the lake, you're stuck inside doing work. But even in winter, like now when the snow is thick outside and the whomping willow is shivering, any form of getting out of class is inviting, despite the cold. But we do have our O.W.Ls coming up and it's all the teachers can think about or talk about! They're piling the homework on like mad and with all the classes I'm taking it's a nightmare just getting through it all! At least the classrooms have fires.

Woke up at the crack of dawn in the freezing cold for Quidditch practise, the season's just started and we’re training for the match against Slytherin.
Oliver Wood’s working us so hard, especially because I’ve only been on the team since Katie Bell got herself banned. Wood was having hysterics when that happened! So they held try-outs to replace her and Harry said I should go. I’m definitely not a sporty person, but I thought since I won that Firebolt in a Daily Prophet competition it would be a shame not to put it to good use and I surprised everyone, especially myself! On the Firebolt I am lightning fast! NEED FOR SPEED! :P
So now I’m a chaser, and oddly enough it’s easier to throw and catch in the air (which I’m not good at usually) because you don’t have to worry about tripping over your own feet!

After that I had Muggle Studies, which isn't too bad for early in the morning, except we've just been given another huge assignment to do. We've got to write an essay on muggle cooking.
Since I grew up with muggles, I know pretty much everything about the subject anyway, so it'll be easy, and I'm sick of correcting the Professor when he gets something wrong.

"No professor... that's not a deadly weapon used by police to torture violent criminals, it's a hair straightener!

...Mind you, they probably could torture criminals with that! They'd save a lot of money on tasers!

Speaking of money, I've spent so much time in the Wizarding World that I'd forgotten what muggle money looks like! Funny story, I went away to a resort with my family last holidays and I spent a whole twenty minutes trying to put knuts into the vending machine, cursing at it and wondering why it wouldn't work! I guess it's a good thing I'm still under aged or I'd have been tempted to just zap the machine to give me as many drinks as I wanted.

Anyway after Muggle Studies which I spent passing notes to Ginny (she spends so much time talking about Harry Potter- it's like she intends to marry him! Haha) and vaguely listening to a lecture about the function of a rubber duck, I had Arithmancy.
Ughhh worst subject ever! I just can't understand why Hermione loves it so much! The time went sooo slowly but at least we didn't get much homework, just revision, and I've been revising all week. I'm terrible at arithmancy, so the more I study the less chance I have of failing.

Nothing particularly interesting happened after that, oh except at break. Hagrid had brought in some nifflers for the fourth year Care of Magical Creatures, but one got loose and started chasing Pansy Parkinson because she was wearing a shiny new necklace!

Ha! Serves her right for sabotaging Neville's potion last week! Snape was absolutely horrid, first he yelled at him in front of everyone because his potion started emitting blue smoke, then he had this evil, smug little smile and made Neville DRINK it! He had to get Madame Pomfrey to get rid of all the blue tentacles that had grown on his face. Poor Neville!
Of course Snape didn't believe that Pansy put extra porcupine quills in his cauldron and then turned the fire off. Since Neville isn't too good at potions anyway Snape just had a good laugh about it and took five points from Gryffindor! Urgh! It's outrageous the way he treats students!

The last lesson of the day was transfiguration, which went really well! We'd been trying to turn turtles into teapots for ages and I finally got it! With a china pattern too! Professor McGonagall gave me 10 points for Gryffindor and extra marks for presentation! Hermione would have done it first if her turtle didn’t keep trying to escape, though. Ron and Seamus were at the desk next to us; they’d given up trying to transfigure the turtles and started racing them instead. Ron’s won. Then McGonagall was in such a good mood that she let us out early so we could get to dinner before everyone else!

Anyway I have to go and do my Muggle Studies paper, I’m meeting up with Hermione, Ginny and Luna in the Library. It won’t take long, so once we’ve finished we’re going to the Room of Requirement to test out some of Fred and George’s new fireworks.

I guess Mondays aren’t so bad after all; they’re ok...actually, more than ok... they’re pretty average!